How To Make Your Own Leather Conditioner

How To Make Your Own Leather Conditioner

Looking for a stylish and durable leather jacket? Look no further than our selection of mens leather jackets and leather jackets for women. Made from high-quality leather, these jackets are designed to last. But to ensure your leather jacket stays looking great for years to come, proper care and maintenance is key. 

When we see cracks on our hands and body, what do we do then? The answer is very simple, we put some lotion to moisturize that part so that these cracks may heel soon. The same rule applies to our leather products to make them secure from cracks and destruction. 

To protect your leather products like leather jacket, leather-made sofa, leather chairs, leather shoes, and other leather-made products, you need different leather conditioners. 

In this article, we are going to help you out and teaching you how to make your own leather conditioner at home. 

Home Made Leather Conditioners

When it comes to leather conditioners, you can find many leather conditioners in the market. Some of them are very expensive and it would be difficult to buy for you. 

Discover the process of how leather is made, and use that knowledge to properly care for your leather sofa, chair, and other leather-made products. We'll provide an affordable solution for maintaining the quality of your leather goods.

Scroll down to find these conditioners and apply one of them to protect your swaggy leather products. 

Before we jump to these homemade leather conditioners, we request you to apply any of them at some hidden corner first. In this way, you can check the results of the conditioner, and if the results are not harmful, go to the whole surface. Your leather product is the first priority to us, we do not want to make it look ugly or bad at any cost.

Method 1: By Using Baby Soap

Due to no potential stain-causing color additives, baby soaps are one of the best homemade leather conditioners. Keep it in mind that we are saying baby soaps only, most commonly used the beauty and bath soaps are very harmful to the leather surface. So beware of using any of them. You can buy any baby soap from your nearest grocery store easily and it is not a big deal.

How To Apply: to apply baby soap as a leather conditioner, follow the simple steps mentioned below.

  • Fetch a little bit of warm water and add a little amount of baby soap and some drops of vinegar to it.
  • Dip a clean cloth into the mixture very well for some seconds. Wring it out strongly.
  • Now wipe down the surface of your leather product with this damp piece of cloth and let it air-dry.

Method 2: Beeswax

If you are scared of using a liquid leather conditioner, a beeswax-based leather conditioner is a very good choice for you. It requires a bit more effort to make it and apply, but the results are priceless.

How To Make and Apply:

  • Take beeswax, cocoa butter, and sweet almond oil in a saucepan at the ratio of 1:1:2.
  • Apply medium heat, be very careful and watch it so that it may not be overheated.
  • When the solid fats melt into the oil remove the pan from the heat and let it be cool. This will convert into a thick bam within 30 to 40 minutes.
  • Apply this thick bam directly to the leather with the help of your fingers and massage gently. 
  • When you have done this to the whole surface, buff the leather with a dry and clean cloth to make it shine and neat.

Make it clear that you are going to use 100% pure beeswax. You can buy this easily from your nearest health food store.

Method 3: Using Lemon Essential Oil

Oil-based conditioners are always been a controversial topic among leather care experts. Some experts warn that some oil-based conditioners such as conditioners made with olive oil can damage your leather products over time. 

All the leather care experts recommend lemon essential oil as the safer choice among the other oil-based homemade leather conditioners.      

How To Apply: This is the easiest to use homemade leather conditioners, we can say. Below are the simple steps to follow.

  • Pour 10 to 15 drops of lemon essential oil on a clean cloth. 
  • Massage the leather surface with this damp cloth completely.
  • Let the surface be dried itself, simple.

This conditioner will not only clean and shine your leather products, but also help to cover the cracks.

Above are the three easiest and easily available homemade leather conditioners for you. Following the above-mentioned steps, you can make and apply any of them without making trouble. Leave feedback if you feel any of them good or bad and let us know which one you loved the most.

Last but not the least

Removing stains on Leather Jacket

Leather jackets can sometimes be a pain to take care of. They are heavy and hard to maneuver so they often end up sitting in our closets gathering dust. You have spent many hours or days, investing in this jacket which is why it's important that it looks good and stays in great shape. Unfortunately, cleaning a leather jacket isn't as easy as just throwing it in the washer and dryer. Leather is a delicate material and needs to be treated and cleaned properly. Here are some tips on how to clean leather jacket.

Remove Stains

If you're looking for how to clean a leather jacket first you will need to remove all of the extra stains and tears that may have occurred over time. This includes stains from mud, sweat, and any spills that you may have accidentally made while cleaning the jacket.

Use a mild detergent or soap to get the stains out. Be careful not to scrub the jacket too much as this will cause it to lose its shape and get discolored. You may want to try using soapy water if you have very dirty patches, as it is also quite effective in cleaning a jacket without making it too dirty.

If the stains still aren't taken care of then you may need to add a little liquid detergent to the soapy water to help you get those tough stains out. Apply the soap and allow it to soak for about 10 minutes. Remember, taking care of your leather products is essential for maintaining their quality and longevity. Then thoroughly rinse the jacket with warm, clean water. Never use harsh detergent or soap as this will further damage the jacket. Cleaning a leather jacket once or twice a year is the best way to ensure it stays in great condition for years to come.

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